Increase your restaurant's profitability with smart insights

Increase your restaurant's profitability with smart insights

Guestrix collects and analyzes data from your existing systems to help you streamline your business and increase profitability. As a restaurateur, you'll have more time to focus on the most important - running a successful restaurant.

Datadrivet beslutsfattande: Fatta informerade beslut baserade på realtidsdata.
Enkelhet och användarvänlighet: Intuitiv design som gör det lätt att använda för alla.
Flexibilitet: Anpassa systemet efter dina specifika behov och förutsättningar.
Kostnadseffektiv prenumerationstjänst: Inga dolda kostnader, bara tydliga fördelar.

Datadrivet beslutsfattande
Enkelhet och användarvänlighet
Kostnadseffektiv prenumerationstjänst

Guestrix smart analysis for profitability for restaurants
Guestrix smart analysis for profitability for restaurants

Ready to increase profitability and have more time left over?

Ready to increase profitability and have more time left over?

Get started by signing up for the waiting list:

Get started by signing up for the waiting list:

Why a waiting list? For us, it's important that the things we build actually create real value, as the value of what we create is more important to us than the number of users we have.

Why a waiting list? For us, it's important that the things we build actually create real value, as the value of what we create is more important to us than the number of users we have.

Fewer managers and employees stuck behind computers - more guests being seen

Get the right pay for your products - streamline schedule and production

Compare your data with restaurateurs in your area - get insights into ups and downs

Guestrix can do the restaurant industry - we collaborate with experienced restaurateurs